All posts tagged: birth search

After joining Team Korea, adoptees stick around for birth search

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Adoptees who represented Korea in Olympics are sticking around to search for their birth families.  Marissa Brandt named honorary ambassador for post-adoption services.  Jackie Kling’s statements show a lot of patience and maturity about others’ perspectives. Still, hoping that search support becomes more robust, and more rights are given to adoptees.  Participating in the Olympics shouldn’t be one of the main springboards to a search.

Capturing kad history, one Kaomi Goetz work at a time

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Reunions are considered a dream come true, but in reality they can come with lots of complications.  Here’s one story. From Kaomi Goetz, who is doing amazing work while on her Fulbright in Korea.  Here’s her personal site of her reporting articles.  But that’s not her current blog, this is.  And none of that is her big current project, this is.  As part of the audio project, you can hear more from Meghan Arnesen, […]