Month: January 2017

A letter from a father

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This is a beautiful letter from a birth father.  I think more than dreaming that one’s birth parents might be wealthy nobility, perhaps adoptees dream most about getting a letter like this – that simply states that while we were given up for adoption, we were not forgotten, and gives reassurance that we still occupy a space, hopefully a big one, in our parents’ hearts. Though i hold no hope to ever know any birth […]

Entire book of international adoption birth searches

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history / research

As far as I know, the only one of it’s kind: a book of narratives entirely about birth searches (not all kad). Many intercountry adoptees share in this paper how useful it would have been if they had been able to seek input and guidance from those who have travelled this path before.  My hope is this paper will help to alleviate this need. Search and Reunion for InterCountry Adoptees

“Adoption services” shouldn’t overlook adoptees!

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commentary / news

The sentiment in the title seems so obvious, yet this insightful reflection on intercountry adoption policy in Australia tells a familiar, sad story told around the world: millions spent and lots of focus on new adoptions, nothing spent on existing adoptees. Overall by 2019, the Australian government will have spent $33.6m yet to date, not one cent has been spent on providing services for existing adult intercountry adoptees who’s numbers are far greater than the […]

The conversation

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Having “the conversation” with your adoptive parents that you are interested in your adoption history and possibly birth family can be a extremely anxious moment that is difficult to express.  It is on the same spectrum of coming out as lgbtq to one’s family, and i have heard of families reacting just as badly to adoptees as others have to gay children.  (Not trying to compare the two, just giving context.) I had a very […]