All posts filed under: history

Single mothers accounted for up to 90% of Korean adoptions

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It is well-known that lack of support for single mothers was a major source of why many children in Korea were given up for adoption, but to this extent?  From Hosu Kim’s Birth Mothers and Transnational Adoption Practice in South Korea: Single mothers constitute the great majority of all birth mothers involved in transnational adoption from South Korea. More than 120,000 children, or two out of three adoptees, were, or are, children of single mothers. […]

Some KAD reunion films to keep on the radar

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history / stories

Just some historical KAD films to keep on the radar, with some relevant links for each. Toby Dawson – Lost and Found (2011).  Documents Toby’s reunion with birth father, facilitated by his olympic medal media exposure. Nathan Adolfson – Passing Through (1998).  Must be one of the first professional films about reunion, Nathan eventually found his 3 siblings.  There is an interesting ending to the story that i am wondering how and […]

Entire book of international adoption birth searches

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history / research

As far as I know, the only one of it’s kind: a book of narratives entirely about birth searches (not all kad). Many intercountry adoptees share in this paper how useful it would have been if they had been able to seek input and guidance from those who have travelled this path before.  My hope is this paper will help to alleviate this need. Search and Reunion for InterCountry Adoptees

The Gathering of the First Generation of Adult Korean Adoptees: Adoptees’ Perceptions of International Adoption

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history / research

This report contains an historical overview of the international adoption of Korean children; the results of an Adoption Institute survey conducted prior to historical Gathering conference of the first generation of Korean adoptees, and synopsis of the adoptee discussion groups. Author: Madelyn Freundlich, Joy Kim Lieberthal Published: June 2000 Summary:  

KAD podcasts

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history / news

With mostly korean adoptee-related content or hosted by a korean adoptee. Adapted: Korean-American Adoptees Living in Korea The Rambler (all the same episodes, putting all in case of link breakages / different phones) Infinite Positivities Podcast

A better adoption

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Before orphanages became marketing tools for tourist dollars and collecting stations for shipping kids overseas (i.e., a long, long time ago), a group of students at Central Michigan University adopted an orphanage.  They sent money to them over several years to provide clothing, food, and other necessities like an ox and pigs. The orphans, now grown up, still remember those students. “I’ll tell you what I like to think to myself,” Kirwan muses. “When I […]