Online search database
Adoptee Sarah Bowling founded Korea Reconnect, an online database that helps birth parents and adoptees look for each other without revealing their identities.
Adoptee Sarah Bowling founded Korea Reconnect, an online database that helps birth parents and adoptees look for each other without revealing their identities.
Highest ranking Asian American in a major city fire dept is a korean adoptee (in 2011).
Published in 2009, this was the most ambitious research into self-identity of Korean adoptees at the time. The basic structure is Korean adoptees into white families vs white adoptees into white families, which provides a good comparison and also some limitations. Read it here.
Old interview with Jane Jeong Trenka. My favorite quote: BTW: Do you think there is an Asian American aesthetic? JT: Are you trying to get Frank Chin to kick my ass? Read the whole thing.
A very good set of points to check before adopting transracially. Read the full list here. #10: 10. If you do not believe in White privilege, you should not be adopting a non-White child. I would amend that one slightly to say that if you can’t imagine that it exists, then you should not be adopting a non-white child. If you can imagine it, have an open mind about it, even if you don’t really get […]